Monday, July 30, 2007
"Chillaxing" weekend in Lorne
Ah yes it was lovely. James' generous family played host to us at Cherry Tree Creek Cottages, where geese threatened our every step. (No one else was as terrified of them as me though!) Accompanying us were James' parents, his brother and sister in law and their two gorgeous girls aged 6 and 4.
We read books, relaxed in the spa, walked, talked and played. I feel completely refreshed... ahhhh!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tulip Love
James bought me tulips last week and they have lasted really well. They are just so gorgeous that I had to take photos of them, and the pics turned out really nicely. I might get these printed up properly and use some of the images for more cards.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tickets bought!
I just deleted a post where all I did was whinge about spending all my savings and how I feel insecure without my financial backup until next pay blah blah blah when I suddenly realised "SHUT UP IDIOT, YOU'RE GOING TO EUROPE IN 9 WEEKS!" and deleted the whole lot!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Ooh baby - Flashback!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Which European city do I belong in?
You Belong in Amsterdam |
A little old fashioned, a little modern - you're the best of both worlds. And so is Amsterdam. Whether you want to be a squatter graffiti artist or a great novelist, Amsterdam has all that you want in Europe (in one small city). |
Tag! I'm it!
1. I love dress ups! On Friday I was Heidi at my Euro party. I've also dressed up as a Western Sheriff, a fortune-telling gypsy, Little Miss Muffet, Baby Bear from Goldilocks and the Three Bears, a Bon Jovi groupie at my Tarts & Bogan's birthday party in 2005, a Japanese Anime character (complete with wigs... LOVE wigs)... dress ups are FUN!
2. I am a bit obsessive about certain things. For example, I obsessively twirl my hair around my fingers. I obsessively check that my boyfriend's ears are clean. I obsessively check my email, myspace, facebook & blog.
3. Things I don't do but I really should: (therefore I often feel guilty about not doing them but still this doesn't jolt me into action): clean the car, weed the garden, open bank statements, call my nan, finish all the unfinished things I've begun (knitting, craft, letters, stories... etc), exercise and spend more time with my rabbits.
4. I went to 5 primary schools and 2 high schools. It was tough but I have a lot of stories to tell! I've lived in Morwell, Trafalgar, Wodonga, Bethanga, Camberwell, Warragul, Leongatha, Nunawading, Surrey Hills & Richmond (all in Victoria)

6. I have 2 families - mum and dad separated when I was 2. Both remarried. I have 4 half siblings, a boy and girl to each family. I am the only one from mum and dad's marriage.
7. I used to collect soaps when I was little. They had to be either scented or an interesting shape (or both!). I had teddy bears, flowers, horses, Strawberry Shortcake... I couldn't bear to use them - far too pretty! I'm really not sure where they are now!
Now I'm supposed to tag 7 others but I don't think I know 7 other bloggers! I tag annalaura, kwoozy, & shoes mend hearts.
That was fun Liss, thanks!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Euro Party Pics
Overall, quite a fun party! It's a shame not so many people dressed up - we had Heidi (me) my boyfriend Jag as a European Wasp, Eliza (my sister) as Ikea, Darcy (my brother and housemate) as a London bobby, a few French people here and there and a viking helmet which was passed around from head to head!
The wig I was wearing was quite popular too - when I changed into something warmer and out of my costume, I kept the wig on... I felt very glam!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Euro House Party Preparations
We are having a European-themed party at our place tonight, to welcome 2 new housemates and... well... actually, there is no other reason except we like house parties!
There should be more house parties I think.
Benefits of house parties:
- cheap drinks
- plenty of couches
- you can play the music you like
- you can have a fire in the backyard
- you can dress up and look ridiculous and not worry about other people out and about thinking that you really do like dressing like Abba.
- you can be totally inappropriate whenever you want and (generally) you won't get thrown out.
- if it's your party you can go to bed when you are sick of it and not have to battle every single other drunk person for a cab home
- you can decorate as you wish!
My preparations thus far have basically been cleaning the house, weeding the garden (MAMMOTH TASK!) tidying the garden, organising an outdoor fire heater, stringing up a canopy of fairylights for the hallway and trying to convince my brother/housemate to make a 3D Eiffel Tower. And the COSTUMES!!... I would really like to give away the secret of what we are all planning but I cannot. After the party I will post the pictures and spill the beans. All I can say is, I will not be recognisable!
So, tonight...
- Get final finishing touches for costumes for myself, brother & housemate
- Buy firewood
- Buy extra toilet paper (the few flaws of a houseparty are that there is always a line for the toilet, the paper always runs out, the carpet is always filthy and the bunnies are always cuddled far too much by strangers)
- Tidy house & my room
- make a playlist for my music and fight the boys for even airtime on the stereo!
- Light fire
- Re-gaffer-tape the fairy lights in the hallway as they are falling down... and I think this is possibly a hazard.
- Buy ice, booze and snacky dip things
- get dressed into costume!! YAY!!
What will the party entail for me?
- 8pm: Begin drinking, answering front door and welcoming guests
- Drink some more
- 9pm: poke fire a bit, but not really know what I am doing
- 10pm: attempt some guitar playing and/or singing
- welcome more guests... have another drink
- 11pm: adjust wig and/or costume in frustrated and un-ladylike fashion
- 12am: get a bit dirty playing chasey in the garden, dangerously close to fire heater
- 1am: complain about rain
- have another drink
- perhaps another drink?
- 2am: dancing in the dining room.
- 3am: fall over
- 4am: crawl into bed.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
European Sojourn Part 1
Yes, it is really happening - I have booked my ticket to Europe for September!
On September 21, I fly from Melbourne - London - Zurich then a train to Frick to see my little sister Jo. Then I'm on a train to PARIS and am frolicking there with the Parisians and a friend or two for about 4 days... then flying back to London for a few days of catching up with friends, seeing the sights and hopefully having an early birthday celebration for moi before jetting off home to Melbourne again to start work the very next day... Crazy but SO EXCITING!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Street art, bambi & rain: I heart Melbourne
OK, so I'm a few days late in posting this, considering we (Jag & I) went into the city on Thursday, and it's now Sunday...
Anyway, we decided after a lovely sleep in (I love holidays!) that we would head into the city and wander around for the afternoon. We both live quite close to the CBD - I'm in Richmond and Jag is in South Yarra - yet we rarely venture out of our own suburbs, except when I make the hike out to work each day. (But ha ha, I am on holidays... til tomorrow, when I go back to work...)
A little debate over "should we or shouldn't we take the umbrella in?" and we were off, sans umbrella, and on a mission to explore some laneways, have a look at the installation on the Yarra of the Melbourne Design Festival, and to perhaps have a little drink here and there to wet our whistles.
As you can see from the photos on the slideshow, we ended up in Hosier Lane, taking photos on my mobile phone, as the digital camera battery died after the first shot! (Snaps to me for remembering to charge the battery... not) Also went exploring various other little offshoots of laneways and found the Until Never gallery off Hosier Lane and up a seemingly endless flight of stairs... This lovely space had a collection of stencil art called "The Land of Milk & Honey" - referring to Australia and all that makes up our cultural and social fabric at the moment. This was a great exhibition, I was impressed not only at the artwork itself but what it was representing.
We then went back down to the cold laneway and wandered a bit more, this time heading to the Melbourne Visitors Centre at Fed Square for a few maps and brochures and of course more free postcards for myself! I felt a bit silly being a Melbournian and going into the Visitors Centre but it was well worth it. Those busy people at thatsMelbourne have created some good little booklets on finding hidden treasures in the city.
From there we found ourselves at Degraves Street, and stopped at a little Italian place called il Tempo for a drink. Feeling a bit glam and grown up, I ordered a Bellini cocktail and knocked it back possibly a little too quickly on an empty tummy... Degraves Street kept us occupied for some time as we took more snaps of the street art and CityLights lightboxes. A few cheeky pigeons scared me away from the dumpsters decorated with various artforms and we were on our way.
Some more walking meant we were in the drizzle and chill of a Melbourne winter's evening, and no amount of gloves, mittens, pockets or romantic hand-holding could warm these fingers!
More strolling and laughter passed when I stumbled up on the Little Salon store on Little Collins Street. I was lucky enough to have a Love blue perspex deer necklace bought for me (after some pestering, cooing and soft gasping over the cuteness of it all) by my dearest. It was on sale, quite significantly reduced, so I am not feeling extravagant or demanding in the slightest!
My little blue bambi, as I have called her, sits prettily with my 'girl and rabbit' brooches - a gift from my birthday last year.
After the excitement of blue bambi, we went in search of some dinner, and found something hot, Greek and tasty somewhere around Lonsdale Street I think. Lovely service and fab food. We left absolutely stuffed and satisfied.
After dinner, then down to Swanston Street and braved the crowds, briefly wandering into Myer for a sniff of some scents before we were politely reminded that they were closing.
Off to Fed Square again to take some snaps of Flinders St Station, the lights, St Pauls Cathedral & then down to the Design Festival installation on the Yarra River. The photos of these simply do not do them justice - they were stunning. The first was a cloud made out of cupcake patty pans (the white paper ones) & the rain was optic fibre cables... loveliness!
Behind us the big ferris wheel turned and the carousel went round, and I snapped more photos than was necessary. We were about to head over for a ride on the ferris wheel when the rain came... and we were drenched!
Running to a tiny spot of shelter was difficult with a lack of fitness, a bag full of brochures and postcards, and 2 jackets on, but Jag was quite enthused by this hiding out and thought it would be a good place to have a bit of a pash on, which was quite romantic with the rain pelting down and all, but I was cold and typically cranky at this, so it was time to trudge on to get a tram home before moi really cracked it and had a little teary, as I am wont to do when cold, tired, wet and hungry.
Again as we walked from the tram to my place, it poured and we got home soaked and freezing... But what a day! I was so impressed with my own city, as I had been many years ago when I was a country kid and came to the city with my parents for trips to the Vic Market and to see my grandparents. I loved the lights and movement, the constant clanging of trams and the bustle of all these people around me. I felt really lucky to live in such a wonderful city, annoyed that we hadn't found more hidey-holes to have a drink and soak it all up in, and in awe of the tucked-away goodness that can be found in laneways and up stairs and behind the sheer largeness of the exterior we all see - the Swanston, Flinders largeness - it was time to take a closer look at the smallness, the intimacy that very clever Melbournites have created as little havens, treasures waiting to be found.
Ah, Melbourne. xx
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Babushka Ballerinas
Ah, more childhood treasures uncovered in the bedroom clean up and rearrange...
Thanks to mike's for the inspiration!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Crafty Cards by Spice & Violet
I would love some feedback - just leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Pretty Kitty
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Savoury Muffins Recipe
Muffin Base mixture:
1 ½ cups Self Raising Flour
2 cups grated tasty cheese
2 eggs
½ cup milk
Salt and pepper to taste
Chopped chives and a medium can of sweet corn
Chopped semi-sun dried tomatoes and basil
Chopped black olives, Italian herbs and parmesan on top
Bake in muffin tin at 210 deg. Celsius for 10-15 minutes.
Makes 12. Probably best enjoyed warm, perhaps with a little butter.
Happy munching!
Milo & Cookie
We belong to Steph.
She spoils us!
We run around inside and hide under the stairs.
We also love to hop in our old fruit box full of hay in front of the heater and munch munch munch!
When we are outside people stop at the fence and look at us.
Steph gives us twigs and branches from her dad's apple tree and we eat the outer layer off, then we chew on the wood. It's good for our teeth.
We have very cute whiskers that twitch when someone opens the front gate.
When we hear the fridge open we race up to it and climb in. We even steal veggies if we are quick enough!
The life of a bunny is quite good when you have a bunny-friend to share it with.
Summer skies... so far away...
The depths of winter can be a little chilly on the toes and heart.
Time for risotto. Warm, starchy goodness, yum.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Numero Uno
Here I would like to show interested people what I make, find, discover and feel. Sound OK to you?
I've decided on the name Spice & Violet for anything I make.
At the moment I am making cards from vintage paper and things, purchased at Meet Me At Mikes on Bridge Rd in Richmond.( I've also rescued old playing cards, board games, buttons, free postcards and old stamps. Each card is completely individual and unique.
Once I have completed a few of them (I'm still hunting for bits and pieces and need to buy a decent hole punch to weave some pretty ribbons on) I will take photos and post them here for some feedback.
What else do I make?
- Beaded jewellery
- Wire and bead tiaras for little people who like to be fairies
- Collages
- Small squares of knitting which I hope to stitch together to make something large and warm!
What would I like to make?
- A patchwork blanket of all my old band/gig t-shirts which I no longer wear
- A stencil for my coffee table.
That's all for now folks.
Au revoir.