My nan, on the right, was crowned Queen of Rochester, and won a trip to Tasmania on Australian National Airways. My great grandmother is on the left.
This was before Nan met Allen, my grandfather. He is 77 and she is 73, so I think she was still in her mid-late teens in this picture. Pretty special!
This image was found in a library archive by my dad's cousin.
I got a bit overwhelmed by it, I love my nan!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My Nan, circa 1950
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tasmania Trip with the year 11s
Here are the best of the photos...
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007

In most Germanic languages Friday is named after Freyja, as pictured above. Freyja was a Norse goddess of Fertility. (Perhaps Fridays are good for baby-making?! Oh and speaking of babies, I love the name Freya!)
Friday is... the last day of my working week.
It is a day of relief and hope - the weekend could bring something amazing, and if not, at least it will be relaxing. Or something unexpected could happen, but it never seems as stressful on the weekend because I don't have to juggle the unexpected with work. You see, work is a very routine-driven place - schools are always based on routine - so anything unexpected can be difficult. But fun too!
Friday is the evening I relax and do what I want, usually spent by myself until I feel sufficiently chilled, then I might see James.
Friday is the day I have 2 periods off in the middle of the day and I always try to plan the lessons for the week ahead but I usually end up doing nothing resembling constructive work.
Friday, for some reason, seems most relaxed. It's the wind-down. But if there's something fun planned, it's exciting! And I always look forward to not waking up to an alarm.
Friday, well every second Friday, is after work drinks in the staffroom, where we eat chips and drink wine and debrief. It's very therapeutic.
Thank God It's Friday is a phrase often used by those of us who work the Monday-Friday week. It was also stolen for use by a large chain of "restaurants". Hmm.
After writing these entries on days of the week, I have realised that I've sadly become a person who spends basically their whole week waiting for the weekend. Is this what full time work is about? I don't remember being like this in the uni days. And in the hospitality days, weekends were my busiest time - I never said "thank god it's Friday" when I was a bartender. More often than not I would think, "can't wait til Monday", because I always had Monday and Tuesday off. I guess that was my weekend. Perhaps I really did count down to my two days off. Does this mean I am always just craving time out? I suppose this is normal - we all love to just do as we please. Hmm. Now I am feeling a bit blue and philosophical. Time for a cup of tea.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Thursday is named after the God Thor, the bearded god of Thunder and War. (That's pretty exciting I guess. Maybe not the war part, but thunder I am quite partial to.)
Thursday is... The second last day of the working week. Hurrah!
The busiest of my teaching days - no breaks, constant teaching & talking... exhausting! We often have meetings on Thursdays too... boring!
Thursday is the day when new movies are released.
The astrological sign of the planet Jupiter represents Thursday with similar names in Latin-derived languages, such as the French Jeudi. In English, this became "Thor's Day", since the Roman god Jupiter was identified with Thor in northern Europe.
Thursday is... The day I wake up and think, "thank goodness it's Friday tomorrow!"
Thursdays used to be the day I went to school and said, "we're going to the disco not tomorrow night but the next night!" in a very-excited-high-pitched-schoolgirl voice, often followed with, "what are you going to wear?!" Luckily the discos were once a month, not every weekend, or we might have wet our pants with excitement... :)
Thursday is a night we often go out for dinner or get yummy take away.
Thursday is late-night shopping in the city. When I first lived in Melbourne, aged 12, I thought this was extremely glamourous and exciting. When we moved back to the country I thought everyone in rural Victoria was so completely backwards for not having late-night shopping. Now I think they are probably just lucky.
Thursday is the night I don't do any preparation for work the next day, except tonight - I've done 2 hours of preparation for a "Circle Talk" with a class tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Wednesday is...
A member of the Addams Family! Apparently, this name was inspired by the nursery rhyme "Monday's Child"... Wednesday's child is full of woe.
Wednesday is, according to the Hebrew Bible, the day when the Sun and Moon were created.
Wednesday is "Hump day" - once it's done, we are over the half-way hump and it's all downhill to the weekend!
Wednesday is the day I go to my course far, far away from home and spend an hour driving back to Richmond... such a long day, but only for one more week. (And totally worth it - it's been a while since I could sit for 90 minutes and listen intently to people talk)
Wednesday is a day I teach a variety of classes, therefore a day I wear a variety of "hats" - you know, the "English teacher's hat", and the "Drama teacher's hat", and the "I'm Pretending to be Super-Knowledgeable to Teach my Year 11s hat".
Wednesday is the day I wake up and don't think much of it at all.
Spicks and Specks night! Yay!
Wednesday is the day that the weekend seems close but perhaps not close enough.
Today, Wednesday involved some sunshine absorption, lots of talking, helping and learning.
A minor disagreement which blew out of proportion. A significant amount of time in the car.
An internal debate regarding whether to wear purple boots or black boots.
The discovery of a lump where a bug bit me after an adventure into a forest last weekend.
A very productive meeting, creative students, a visit from the Principal and another Principal from another school (lucky I had my "Look At Me, I'm A Great Teacher" Hat on!)... and a spot of laughter.
Stay tuned for the next instalment of 'Days of the Week'. You guessed it - Thursday!
I can't decide if 'Days of the Week' sounds more like a Playschool segment or a daytime soap?!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
I take it back...
Busy week, big night out...
... and finally last night I went to a party at a funky little bar and caught up with lots of old friends whom I haven't seen for at least 6 months. I was pretty nervous actually but there's nothing a few (too many) glasses of wine can't help! A very dear friend who had a baby 3 months ago had her first night out after leaving her beautiful boy with her parents, and we had an absolute ball. My feet hurt from dancing, which is better than hurting from not dancing, and I got lots of compliments on the weight I have lost since I last saw all of the 'old crew' - *BLUSH*!
I am really suffering today though - I honestly believe hangovers get worse as you get older! It's a lovely day today though so I hope I can pull myself together enough to take in some sunshine and perhaps plant up a few things in the garden... Or just rug up and lie on the old banana lounge in the backyard with a book! Speaking of books, I read a wonderful young adult novel last weekend that I picked up at the Victorian English teachers conference called "So B. It" by Sarah Weeks - I was reading it in the spa at Lorne and having a good old weep! It's a beautiful story. Despite being for teenagers it's still a great read for grown ups too; I highly recommend it for anyone who likes to read about families and young people seeking to find where they belong in the world.
No energy to write anymore - I will endeavour to be more regular in my posts!