Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Couldn't find Atticus anywhere...
... until I looked in the only patch of sunshine left in the lounge room and found him inside the knitting basket...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Atticus le Catticus
Eagles of Death Metal
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Kitten Name

I think I am leaning towards Kitson, after my favourite comedian Daniel Kitson...
Both hilarious and slightly bumbling, plus I love the play on 'Kit'.
I think he isn't perhaps refined enough to be Atticus, or cutesy enough to be called Frankie.
Last night he was fascinated my the laptop, today he is doing battle with a bra on the floor (still a boobs man all the way).
He has also taken a liking to sitting on my bedside table under the lamp.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A new arrival... Meow!

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Miss Piggy’s AEROBIQUE Exercise Workout Album

America’s most talented and glamorous superstar shows you how to keep fit and stay slimme and trimme with a few minutes of daily dance movements so simple you can actually perform some of them in your sleep!
- No heavy lifting things
- No boring calistheniques
- No getting-out-of-breath
- No messing up your clothes
- No dippy double-talk from know-it-alls
- No Smart de Pants lectures on “bad food”
- No brain-numbifying instructions before you can begin
- No feeling like a wet noodle after you have finished
Google "Luckily (your name)" and see what comes up!
Here are some of mine...
"Luckily, Stephanie has a good sense of humour and the bad date didn’t sour her toward Andrea at work."
(Phew, I was worried about what Andrea would think)
"Luckily, Stephanie doesn’t have the task of looking for Ranger. She’s got her own cases to track and a family situation interfering with her personal life."
(I'm so relieved I don't have to look for Ranger!)
"Luckily, Stephanie brought along some snacks: caramel popcorn, mixed nuts and chocolate covered raisins, plus Patti brought some sugar cookies."
(Thank Christ for Patti's sugar cookies. I know my popcorn, nuts and raisins just weren't enough)
"Luckily Stephanie got away without having to pay for damages."
(Yeah, it's true)
"Luckily, Stephanie is still talking to me."
(Yes, you ARE lucky - bitch)
"Luckily, Stephanie still has plenty of wit and grit (and a full wardrobe of spandex)"
"Luckily, Stephanie not only did what I wanted, but I think she was able to magically read my mind, hence the great haircut."
(If you take the haircut bit out, it's soooo much better)
"Luckily, Stephanie was already up and dressed. She was there in under 10 minutes."
(Somehow I doubt that very much)
"Luckily, Stephanie is tough. She gritted her teeth and smartly made a big effort to join some local English speaking groups."
(Closer to the truth than you realise)
"Luckily, Stephanie finally gets to display her weeping skills."
"Luckily, Stephanie and I had a conversation last week that reminded me that I forgot."
"Luckily, Stephanie was available to do the project with him."
(And just what IS this project?!)
"But, luckily Stephanie came to my rescue and we went to a Snow Patrol show at Canes in San Diego."
(I am that kind of girl, what can I say?)
"Luckily, Stephanie stopped her Whale song when she began speaking real words."
Sunday, January 18, 2009
DIY Bunny Mansion

Today I completed a project I have been thinking about, planning for and procrastinating over for some time...
The wire squares are from Bunnings and over 4 years of rabbit ownership they have been remodeled into many different configurations for 2 bunnies, as well as temporary enclosures for holidays and sick bunnies. I can't remember how much they are - I remember getting some from Big W for about $13 for a pack of 8. I suspect Bunnings was cheaper. They can be tricky to come by but bunny owners are notorious for hoarding them for various structures to house our little munchkins.
So, the hutch is made from these squares that are about 35cm square... 5 in length, 2 high and 2 wide. I used hardwood garden stakes (some cut to size, some not) - $13 for 6 from Bunnings. I got 10 small stakes for about $3 as extra supports. I drilled through them and attached them to the wire structure with cable ties.
The top deck is simply 7mm plywood cut to size and attached with cable ties after some strategically drilled holes were placed around the edges. The plywood was about $10 from Bunnings.
The roof has been a tricky thing for a while now - we need to be able to reach in to get him out when necessary, amongst other necessities like cleaning etc - so I used a garden stake as a central support, and created a tri-fold roof section. It’s held down with clips (surprisingly secure) and works quite well.
The roof is a salvaged piece of ‘Colourbond’ roofing in a delightful olive green (splattered with plums that recently fell from the tree above!) that just sits on top over night. Sometimes I weigh it down with a brick if there is wind about!
These wire squares (Google “NIC cubes”) are great because they are plastic-coated so that they don’t rust, and little paws can’t be hurt on thin wire. It’s important to have a wire floor as bunnies are natural diggers and can at times escape an un-floored hutch on the lawn. They are structurally very sound for smaller enclosures, but now that the hutch is more of a mansion, I needed it to be very sturdy for being moved around on the lawn on a daily basis.
The other advancement in bunnyland today was the purchase of a portable/indoor hutch. It was $120 from a pet store (ouch. But I did shop around) and means on hot days or cold nights or holidays,
Monday, January 12, 2009
Op Shopping Adventure MOSAIC!
Op Shopping Adventures
Originally uploaded by Spices for Violet
Here they are in condensed form... Lovely!
Op Shopping Adventures
Vintage Apron and Dress
Vintage Apron and Dress
Originally uploaded by Spices for Violet
This apron was WAAAAAY too cute to walk past!
Children's Picture Book
Children's Picture Book
Originally uploaded by Spices for Violet
Beautiful black and white illustrations.
Little Golden Books
Little Golden Books
Originally uploaded by Spices for Violet
I had some of these as a child - The Saggy Baggy Elephant, The Scared Little Kitten... oh the memories!
Picture Dictionary (inside)
Picture Dictionary (inside)
Originally uploaded by Spices for Violet
GREAT for cardmaking and collages!
Leather Belts
Leather Belts
Originally uploaded by Spices for Violet
These are great on the waist, and at that price, for LEATHER, I could not pass them by!
Vintage Chair
Vintage Chair
Originally uploaded by Spices for Violet
$10! How could I pass this up?!
AND it fits in the back of my little car - BONUS!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
vintage party dress
Originally uploaded by Wonderlane
Found this on Flickr...
I wish I could teleport to this shop asap!
60's vintage dress
60's vintage dress
Originally uploaded by Yara
I'm dreaming of my op-shopping adventures tomorrow here in Warragul, where my dad lives... I can't wait to delve into the moth-ball scented racks of country op-shops again!
Today I'm posting some vintage pics from Flickr just to update the blog - after a number of months lying low, being busy...