Monday, January 28, 2008

Oooh, look at the pretty banner!

Oh I love having such a clever boyfriend who makes my ideas into reality!
Jag took my initial (soomewhat crap) design & there it is, a proper banner! Thanks lovely!
And thanks Drewzel for helping me to get it up there too!
Now I have to start thinking about what my first post will be at the new Melbourne Op Shopping Blog... so many great op-shop finds... I think I'll take lots of photos after work in the nice afternoon light. Stay tuned and keep checking!
Let me know what you think of the banner & logo too, I love feedback & tips! xx


Drewzel said...

Hooray! It looks fab, I really like that font :)

Megan Rose said...

It's a really lovely banner. I love the colour and the, um, friendliness of it all.

Love the blog too!