Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Week of Frenchness - 3 - La Tour Eiffel

1. La Tour Eiffel gates, found here.

Drawing of the Eiffel Tower (love it!) found here.

I just love the Eiffel Tower.

I arrived in Paris on a rainy Friday evening and was a bit culture-shocked after my walk from the Metro station to my hostel in the 18th Arrondissement (a near-mugging amongst other things). After getting myself sorted, I worked out how to get to la Tour Eiffel on the Metro (three changeovers, yay for being in an el-cheapo backpackers hostel way out of the city).

When I first saw the tower, it was lit up in green and gold, and I actually gasped! It was absolutely one of the most magical sights I have ever seen (of the man-made world anyway).

Above is the first picture I took of la Tour Eiffel. Lovely.

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

its quite spectacular isnt it?
everyone seems to want to stay in the Montmarte area but I found it quite unsafe, dirty and seedy haha
we stayed right near the a pedestrian only street called Rue Cler...a cute (and cheap!)hotel
Grand Hotel Leveque
right near a cheese shop!! so much fun in paris...