Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Procrastinating again...

I have my best ideas and inspiration to create lovely things when I am at my busiest.
This Friday we have a major school event being organised by the students and overseen by myself and a colleague, plus I have 24 essays on Macbeth to read and assess. Sometime tomorrow I have to buy giant pirate flags, find a replacement celebrity judge & make "backstage passes" for students.

Meanwhile, I found myself in class (supposedly teaching) doodling a design for a passport pouch and matching travel documents wallet. I even have the ideal fabric - pink cotton with big red cherries on it!
Plus my poor owl Paisley sits (well, flops) in a sad, forlorn way, on my desk at home, unstuffed, no eyes attached...

Why do all the good ideas come when I am so busy? Perhaps it's because my brain is so overactive and there are so many thoughts whizzing around that certain creative things explode from all the whizzing. Hmm.

I must not procrastinate further...

1 comment:

Angela said...

I find that my house becomes sparkling clean when I have to get alot of craft and business things done : )

Oh procrastination, it works for you.