Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Researching Paris & other odds & ends...

Despite spending only 4 days in Paris, I am obsessively researching it! My Lonely Planet French Phrasebook and Paris Encounter Guide arrived in the post today, which was very exciting - like opening a present!
I've discovered Fodor's Travel Guides thanks to another traveller who blogs, and from this I have found this and many other delights.
Right, that's it. I'm going to pack now. (Even though I leave in 9 days!)

In other news, on a more bland, grown-up, less adventurous note - I bought a fridge today. It was kind of exciting but not really. Rather a grown up purchase, I must say. Something a little more exciting was the purchase of a 2GB memory card for my camera. Phew! That's a lotta pics!

And something that is far more exciting than a new fridge is the fact that my wonderful boyfriend, who has recently discovered ebay (welcome to the 21st century, honey!) has been secretly buying me collectable swap cards and playing cards! They were presented to me last night just before I fell asleep, still bundled in bubble-wrap (the cards, not me!)... Ah, boyfriends are great... 'specially mine!


My Charlie Girl said...

oooohhhh Paris....i love that place! im obsessed too! my next holiday is to there :) im so jealous you spent 4 days there!!! im sure you had an awesome time :)

Lin said...

I just found your blog via Daydream Lily. I'm so jealous of you for going to Paris. I've been twice and it's my favourite place in the world (besides home). I really hope you had or are having a great time! Great blog by the way!